The reason that the debt ceiling puts the President in such
a predicament is the confusing way in which power is divided between Congress
and the President. Congress sets the budget, if this involves a shortfall of tax
revenue relative to public expenditure, then the President is forced to borrow
the difference. What makes this situation different from other countries is
that Congress also has the power to limit the amount of debt the country can
have. As this level approaches, they put pressure on the President to halt the
levels of borrowing, created by their budgets. The President could stop
borrowing past the amount Congress needs to implement its budget, but this
would result in the Government spending money which it has not been financed.
This would have dramatic consequences for the US and global economy, especially
with regards to confidence in the dollar as a means of payment, which would be
extremely dangerous for global stability and consequently has never been
allowed to occur. This raises the question - for what reason does the Debt
Ceiling actually exist? Part of the reason is that Congress benefits from
creating a problem that only it can solve, allowing it to use the threat of economic
destabilisation as leverage to fight against any changes in Government spending
or taxation that it opposes.
As for the so called deficit hawks in Congress Obama may reason
that they are not in fact deficit hawks
at all. Many of the Republicans demanding that the Government deficit be
reduced were supportive of the previous President quickly turning large surpluses
into deficits with tax cuts to the wealthy and massive military outlay, which
together, according to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office, account
for a staggering $600 billion of the current deficit today. To put this in perspective
according the Office’s estimates by 2019, if current policies are sustained,
almost 50% of the total government debt will be accounted for by these two
Republican policies. The economic downturn instigated by the burst of the housing
bubble along with the failure of adequate recovery measures that attempted to
fill the substantial hole in total spending left by the private sector, account
for the majority of the current deficit. Clearly in principle therefore
Republicans have no problem with sustained deficits. A more appropriate term for
them would perhaps be Spending hawks
or Welfare hawks, who use self-created
deficits to demand the current President cut programs they deem to have no
value, these being mainly welfare and health provision which the GOP have wrongly
claimed are the main reason for the current deficit.
Because of these frustrations, discussion in some quarters has
turned to how the President could get around the obstacles set before him by
Congress. One idea was to use the constitution that protects US debt to simply
ignore the deficit limit - wanting to avoid all the legal entanglements that
this would involve Obama has refuted this option. Next was the infamous “trillion
dollar coin” suggestion. Queue the right-wing comedy. ‘How about a twenty trillion dollar coin or even a 100 trillion dollar
coin?’ was a common question amongst critics. Stephen Colbert provided probably the
wittiest gag: "we should have known a coin was Obama's solution to
everything - it was right there in his slogan: CHANGE”. Meanwhile news stations have kept themselves equally
amused with clips Dr. Evil and Homer Simpson with a trillion dollar note.
Moving onto the serious discussion of the logistics of the
plan Fox News reported that the amount of platinum needed would sink any boat
used to transport it as it would weigh 17,774 tons or using their alternative unit of measurement - 89
blue whales! This clearly ignores the simple fact that there is no more reason
for the coin to actually be worth one trillion dollars than the paper used to
make a $20 note actually be worth $20. Meanwhile those who tried to sound more serious
stated that the coin would create massive levels of inflation and destroy the
value of the dollar, comparisons with the hyperinflation of Zimbabwe Dollars
were especially popular. All this served to prove the point that those hired to
inform the rest of us have little understanding of money creation or even basic
economics. Economic theory states that in certain conditions, i.e. with
depressed demand and interest rates unable to fall any lower, an increase in
the money supply does not lead to inflation. Banks today create trillions of
dollars by the simple act of lending, which has had very little inflationary
effect, as evidenced by the rates of inflation in the US as well as other
advanced nations with a highly developed banking industry. In fact in the UK, around
97% of the total money supply has been created by the financial sector and not
the Bank of England.
Putting it simply, the creation of more money is not the
alien concept it has been made to seem and is only inflationary under certain
conditions. But even this misunderstands the central concept of the coin. The
one trillion dollars credited to the treasury would be offset by selling assets
or borrowing from banks so that borrowing would continue as normal. In other words this is just an accounting trick.
This is not an economic solution to the debt in the longer term. Instead it is
aimed to get around the political problem of the debt limit set by Congress. As
the fiscal cliff showed us by claiming several points of GDP growth, political
problems have economic consequences which explains the enthusiasm of some to
avoid yet another messy and costly round of negotiations.
Therefore what has
been revealed by this round of debt ceiling talks is that the majority of
people influencing the debate in Washington either do not understand the
concepts discussed or do not want to engage in serious debate about the role of
money and debt in the economy. Perhaps before the next round of negotiations
begins, this issue should be addressed.
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